Another new addition is a spine for this piece. Much of the feedback that I have been receiving with my latest animatic is centered around the juxtaposition of man and nature, which really isn't what I'm trying to do. After a lot of digging I came upon a poem by Edgar Allan Poe called "The Domain of Arnheim." The first part discusses the philosophical and artistic aspects of composition, and ends with a two page description of a man's journey down a river into a new, fantastic realm. The sharp contrast in storyline between these two parts led me to think that Poe was giving a stage on which to practice the theories on composition that he discussed in the first part. And so this is exactly what I'll be doing. The sequence of 8 shots will still be entered and exited in the same way - through a man's (presumably the poet's) study, but now what we see inside of it will have a linear and purposeful correlation.
This also means that I can focus my designs in a story-driven manner, as opposed to generating them "randomly." Structure breeds success and that is what I have now found - structure.
In the days to come I'll be posting many of the images that I have been generating. I've been busy designing the compositions through film studies, thumbnails, and sketches, and have created quick mock-ups (collages) of each image.
Here's a taste for now: