Sunday, September 5, 2010


My goal is to create 10 finished matte paintings. 7 will be stills that are separated on layers to allow for parallax with camera moves, and the other 3 will be projected onto modeled geometry to allow for longer camera moves and a variety of angles to shoot from. For all ten i hope to integrate dynamic elements (i.e. snow), as needed, to add more life to each.


(Note: All ten paintings will start in the same way)

Conception(1) > Research(2) > Thumbnails(3) > Refined concept sketch(4)

(1) Conception: brainstorming ideas for what the painting will look like, where it will be set, etc.
(2) Research: Gathering material that will be used as reference in the development of that painting, for example, finding images of specific architectural styles.
(3) Thumbnails: Rough sketches and small compositional studies that begin to visualize the concept.
(4) Refined concept sketch: A more complete rendering that, although rough, will forecast what the final painting will look like in color and composition.

At this point three of the ten refined concept sketches will be selected to be continued in a 3d environment

The process as continued for the 2(1/2)d paintings:

Rough matte(5) > Finished matte(6)

(5) Rough matte: a refined version of the concept sketch that incorporates photographic reference for texture.
(6) Finished matte: The painting brought to completion.

The process as continued for the 3d paintings:

Establish layers(5) > Rough matte(6) > Build geometry(7) > Project in maya(8) > Add elements for necessary effects(9) > Refine matte(10) > Composite(11)

(5) Establish layers: Determine the depth of the image as it will exist in the 3d space of the computer. Separate layers in photo shop, painting behind each to account for what will be seen due to parallax caused by camera movement.
(6) Rough matte: a refined version of the concept sketch that incorporates photographic reference for texture.
(7) Build Geometry: In Maya model any elements of the painting, as needed, and set up cards for two dimensional projection of separate layers.
(8) Project in Maya: Link images to their projections, performing test renders with camera moves to be able to assess the current state of the image, as it exists in three-dimensional space.
(9) Add elements for necessary effects: creating assets (smoke, snow) that will later be composited into the shot.
(10) Refine matte: bring the current painting to a finished standard within the context of the shot as it currently exists.
(11) Composite: Add all of the layers together, making any necessary color, lighting, or other adjustments.

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